Monday, May 16, 2011

hari cekgu

dulu selalu jak wish cigu2 'hepi teachers day' hari ne. skrg aku sndri dpt wish ne dr kwn2. hahahaha...terasa diri sda jd cgu betul2 pulak. lg best tym nyanyi lagu 'kami guru malaysia'. aiya...teringat zaman muda2 dulu. tiap hari guru, mesti cgu2 nyanyi lagu ne. uwaaaaa....

here is my special wish for my special cekgu:
1. my most precious cigu, mr abdul rahman tanjilul. u're like a father to me. thanx for everything. i will never forget u even if i have amnesia~hahahaha

2. my best-teacher-fren mr rizalmi abd majid. yay~ even lps kawin cgu jarang kontek saya, but still, i text u once in a while kan..thanx for calling me today~miss u!! hahahaha...hope to see ur junior!

3. my macho-addmath teacher, mr azizi abd wahab. really miss ur joke!! thanx for always supporting me back then. mmg kita btl2 lost kontek skrg ne. maybe u oredi forgot's okay~ keep living happily with your family. thanx for giving me the nickname 'queenthechess' *i still hope u never forget me~

4. crush?? hahahahaha (dummy!!!) just my another teacher. thanks for paiently listening to me back then. even now, when i feel depressed, i still msg u. thanx for always be so supportive. for me, u're an uncle that i treasure~ live happily. hope to hear from u soon. lama sda nda kontek ne kan~

5. my bakal-cikgu-besties, miss nazatul akma. thanks for always being a very supportive friend. sorry for always bugging u with my nonsense~ i always feel thankful cuz i know u always there for me. selamat hari guru, darl~

6. my teachers at SK Binuang (cgu kastinah, cgu sutikno, ustaz ismail, etc). my teachers at SEMSALD (mr hamdi, ms haneem,ms ainey, etc) thanx for everything.

oke. pokoknya, semua cigu2 di dunia...SELAMAT HARI GURU!!!

*token of gratitude for miss nazatul akma for all the notes. lupa pulak mau say thanx before this. thanx, kuruki~

4 mengata di belakangku:

Ika said...

aku bru prsn yg ko ni byk bespren dgn para2 ahjeosshi...


-rEeN- said...

hahaha...taste aku ajushi kalik! wahkahkahkah~ best bha geng dgn ajushi2 sporting~

N.A.M.N said...

hahahah.. syang!! heppy teacher's day juga!!! hahaha.. sya syg ko n kerek sgt2!!

ahakz.. minta aja nota tu.. bnyk lg tu sbnrnya.. tp memandangkan broadbnd dan wireless lidut.. tak dpt upload bnyk2.. muah!! >.<

-rEeN- said...

ahaks...terasa sda jd cgu pulak diri ini~ aku tau kau syg aku! hahahaha. *info utk isl part aku ada jugak. oke la tu~