Wednesday, October 19, 2011

i have the urge

l0l~~it's been a while. mood swinging lately. i write when i feel like typing. classes been very pack lately. all those micro teaching and substitute classes really worn me out.
my last saturday and sunday suppose to be my week-long-awaited paradise but it turn to be a nightmare. l0l~ why?? argh. i don't event want to recall these days in my mind. let it passed,,,like the wind^^

i still have my positive thinking,,,,right? so that's mean, i'm still good. i'm not that bad to begin with. lately...lately as in few years back, i realized my english gone from bad to suck! i can't even spell properly. not to mention talking in english.

but still, thanks to my addiction to korean drama, i still know few vocabulary. that's why i love korean drama. they are fun n in the same time, improving my english. after watching all these dramas, my english still suck anyway.

i seriously need improvement. well, i need to start babbling in english again. i should start talking in english when i got mad again. even i should stop swearing but i need to start talking bad words in english again. i hate my situation right now.

argh....i'm in a very depressing situation. i'm scared my grade will fall. and people will laugh at me. even i can just ignore them n show my stone face, but their words always pisssed me off n i feel like slapping them.'s getting longer. practicing my english bha. i need to do better than this. wish me love^^

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