Wednesday, October 5, 2011


ahahahaha....supernatural season 7 available for download oredi. *excited!!!
sda donlod ep1 dan 2. skrg tgh donlod ep3. yay~nda sabar mau tgk.

did i mention before?? i'm a big fan of supernatural?? ahahahaha. i've watch supernatural since forever. dari season 1 hinggalah skrg, season 7. never get tired of it.

dan owh...vampire diaries season 3 also available for download oredi. i'm not that big fan of vamp diaries, but since i accidentally fall in love with damon, so i'm curious bout the story. how did it go~~ *it's izyan who persuade me to watch that vamp diaries. on top of that, i hate both the idiot i-can-do-everything heroine n the i'll-do-anything-for-you hero. it's sickening~

glee?? i'm not a fan. totally not a fan. now, glee's popularity is rising tremendously but still, i have no intention of watching the series. maybe later. i've collected the series for season 1 n 2 though.

erm...merlin?? i'm in the process of completing my collection for season 1,2 and 3. still, i'm not a fan yet. i haven't watch a single episode yet. later, maybe. after i finish supernatural season 7.whatever it is, supernatural comes first~

ah...hoping there will be another supernatural after season 7 end. please tim kripke n bob singer^^

#nowwatching cinderella sister. kau ingat jd cinderella jak derita?? kakak tiri dia lg derita beb~

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